Localization [‚lō•kə•lə′zā•shən] (computer science)
Imposing some physical order upon a set of objects, so that a given object has a greater probability of being in some particular regions of space than in others. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Because the liberation of the end-user is near, more and more administrators want to provide their end-users with as much flexibility they can without losing the control and safety of course. Being able to decide ‘WHERE’ a user is can help the administrator to deliver anything a user needs or is able to use in a specific place.
Make Sure an end-user has the nearest Printer when he logs on to a specific workstation… or maybe The administrator want’s a specific application to be pre-installed based on a location….. You name it….
Scense can the divide you organization into locations. Based on: Activedirectory Sites, Computernames, Ip-adresses and ComputerGroup membership of the physical computer. When a virtual Desktop is used, the Client-access device location will be used to add the virtual computer into the right location groups. In this way a Virtual computer can travel trhought the organization without any restriction in usage for the end-user. The method of Computergroup membership is a manual way of localization. You just add a computer to an active-directory group. The other methods are based on automated processes to make sure the computer is in or added to the right location-group.