There has been a lot of talk about User Installed Applications recently, especially in non- persistent virtual desktop environments. The need for a solution that helps end users keep the software they installed themselves, even after a desktop refresh, is becoming very important. A recent comparison on Briforum 2011 has shown that none of the discussed vendors has the right approach to this concept. Check the website for a recording of this session: User Installed Apps: Why No Vendor is Doing it Correctly (And Why Not), a video from BriForum 2011.
Scense has been supporting the ability for end users to install their own applications. The requirements mentioned in the video help to explain how:
- Conflict resolution – Applications installed by (locked down) users might conflict with applications already deployed by the administrator. Scense adaptive installer will resolve these conflicts on-the-fly. So an end user will be able to install Firefox 10 on a machine containing Firefox 3 and use it. But the same user will also be able to start using Firefox 3 again.
- App Types supported – As long as a package is available, the end user will be able to install applications on his (locked down) device.
- Physical and virtual devices – the solution supports physical and virtual devices. The application will be stored centrally so the application will roam with the user: even on non-persistent virtual desktops.
- Single Instance Storage – Applications installed by end users are within the span of control of the administrator. He or she might enforce single instance storage.
- Kernel Drivers – the solution supports kernel drivers. Anti-virus software can be installed without and hassle.
- Architecture: The solution is agent based, uses existing components of the Scense stack and will run on virtual and physical desktop environments.
Conclusion: Implementing User Installed Apps becomes feasible with a solution like Scense. If you want to enable this functionality within your Scense environment, contact our support department.