As of today Scense Live Profiles 1.1 will be available for download. Scense Live Profiles 1.1 is shipped as part of the Scense 7.6 CD (build 1234) and is available for download on the Scense website. Scense Live Profiles 1.1 includes a number of new features requested...
There has been a lot of talk about User Installed Applications recently, especially in non- persistent virtual desktop environments. The need for a solution that helps end users keep the software they installed themselves, even after a desktop refresh, is becoming...
Recently, Microsoft announced a new product in beta called User Experience Virtualization (UE-V short). With UE-V, App-V 5.0 will also go into beta. Microsoft has been relying for years on roaming profiles to help end users with a consistent user experience on...
As of today Scense 7.6 (build 1234) will be available for download. Scense 7.6 includes our approach to user profile management: Scense Live Profiles. Next to Live Profiles, Scense 7.6 includes product enhancements and improvements and a number of fixes. The release...
Windows user profiles are critical assets in today’s desktop environments. They aim to increase end user productivity by ensuring a predictable and familiar user experience and reliable access to personal data. A Windows user profile that is unavailable or broken will...
Hosted desktop virtualization has been around for quite some time now. The benefits are well known, the technology matures but adoption remains low. In 2009, Gartner expected a 15% market share for corporate desktops in 2014 resulting in 66 million connected devices....