Implementing or modifying a Scense object, like a complete Application, Taskset or even just a single Action, needs to be preceded by dedicated testing. Users assigned to that particular Scense Object can be easily prevented from getting involved within your test...
If an AppV application has been deployed, you may wonder “what has been deployed exactly?” Because the application is virtualized nothing of that application can be found in the file system and registry, unless… unless you add the following two...
Scense 7 includes extensive support for 64-bit Operating Systems and applications. To work with a mix of 32-bit and 64-bit applications and operating systems, Scense 7 provides the administrator with tools to easily maintain a great user experience. Scense Variables....
Localization [‚lō•kə•lə′zā•shən] (computer science) Imposing some physical order upon a set of objects, so that a given object has a greater probability of being in some particular regions of space than in others. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical...