Scense Administrator Guide

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  5. Executive Log

Executive Log

Tracing Errors

When tracing an error you will, in most cases, have to start by consulting the Executive Log.
Per user and per computer an Executive Log is maintained.
The administrator determines for how long the logging is being stored in the database using Site Parameters.
The Executive Log can be found in the ‘User Information’ system folder, for every user and every computer.

The button ‘Computer Log’ on the lower right of the screen, makes it possible to switch directly to the logging of the OnDemand service on the workstation the user most recently used.

By double-clicking TaskSets, Actions or errors, the cursor directly moves to the related Taskset, Session Event or Action.

When the option ‘Show Computers’ has been switched on, it is possible to directly view the executive log of a workstation.

Computer Log

The Executive Log of the OnDemand service is also called ‘Computer Log’.
The logging of the OnDemand script, OnDemand actions and the OnDemand part of the Install script can be found in this logging, as well as the configuration sessions for windows installer- or virtual layer applications.