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The shortcut object can be used to create or delete shortcuts.

Properties Description
Arguments Command line arguments for the program which the shortcut points to.
Description Description for the shortcut (will be shown as a tooltip)
ExeFile File to which the shortcut should be created
IconFile File that contains the icon
IconIndex Index that identifies the icon in a file that contains multiple icons. (zero based, index 0 = first icon)
LnkFile Filename of the shortcut to be created.
ResultCode Result of the operation, returned by the functions
ShowCmd Specifies how the initial window should be shown


Pathname in which the program should be started.


Methods Description



Create or update a shortcut.
The function returns a Boolean value. (True if successful)

Function CreateShortcut(LnkFile As String, ExeFile As String, WorkDir As String, ExeArgs As String, IconFile As String, IconIdx As Long, LnkDesc As String, ShowCmd As Long)


Delete a shortcut.
The function returns a Boolean value. (True if successful)

Function DeleteShortcut(LnkFile As String)


Sub Scense_Main()
    'Show Window
    Const Hidden_Inactive = 0
    Const Normal_Active = 1
    Const Minimized_Active = 2
    Const Maximized_Active = 3
    Const Normal_no_Activate = 4
    Const Show_Active = 5
    Const Minimize_Inactive = 6
    Const Minimize_No_Activate = 7
    Const Show_No_Activate = 8

    With Shortcut
        'Create a shortcut
        If Not .CreateShortcut(ReplaceVariables("%Desktop%\Test.lnk"), _
                               "c:\windows\notepad.exe", "c:\windows", "", _
                               "c:\windows\notepad.exe", 0, _
                               "Edit text files", Normal_Active) Then
            .WriteScenseLog .ResultCode
        End If
        'Delete a shortcut
        If Not .DeleteShortcut(ReplaceVariables("%Desktop%\Test.lnk")) Then
            .WriteScenseLog .ResultCode
        End If
    End With
End Sub